Top Of The Week

Can you get drunk on beer?

Amount of beers to get you drunk In general, an average man can drink four to five beers, while the average healthy woman ...

Is beer a 100% alcohol?

That's why it's important to know how much alcohol the drink contains. Pay attention because different types of beer,...

How much beer does it take to damage liver?

It is estimated that alcohol-related fatty liver disease develops in 90% of people who drink more than 40 g of alcohol...

Can one beer a day damage your liver?

Moderate amounts of alcohol usually don't affect normal liver function or cause alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD)....

Is beer really alcohol?

Alcoholic beers contain some alcohol, while non-alcoholic beers contain very little alcohol. The amount of alcohol in a...

Is beer real alcohol?

Alcoholic beers contain some alcohol, while non-alcoholic beers contain very little alcohol. The amount of alcohol in a...

Recent Posts

Which is the best beer?

Which is the best beer?

Although Busch Light is undoubtedly an excellent low-carb beer option that won't ruin your diet, it's also a very...


What kind of alcohol is in beer?

What kind of alcohol is in beer?

Does beer have real alcohol?

Does beer have real alcohol?

Why is beer not considered alcohol?

Why is beer not considered alcohol?

Recent Post

What is worse for you alcohol or beer?

After all, beer, wine, and mixed beverages are known to cause liver damage and car accidents when ingested in large...

Is beer the same as alcohol?

Alcoholic beers contain some alcohol, while non-alcoholic beers contain very little alcohol. The amount of alcohol in a...

Is it normal to be drunk after 2 beers?

Usually, a man will start to feel drunk after consuming 2 to 3 alcoholic beverages within an hour. A woman will feel...

Is it ok to drink beer everyday?

Alcoholic beer is likely to be safe for most adults if used in moderation (two 12-ounce glasses a day). But drinking more ...

Is beer bad for your health?

Studies show that excessive alcohol consumption reduces life expectancy by up to 28 years. Drinking more than two beers a ...

Is beer good for health?

Studies show that excessive alcohol consumption reduces life expectancy by up to 28 years. Drinking more than two beers a ...

What happens to your liver if you drink beer everyday?

Anyone who drinks alcohol regularly or excessively can damage their liver. Damage may be mild, such as fatty liver.

Can 2 beers get you drunk?

No, you won't get drunk with a beer. Beer can contain 4 to 5% alcohol, which isn't high enough to get you drunk or...

Editors Picks

Is 4 beers a day to many?

Is 4 beers a day to many?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol consumption is considered to be within the...

Why do people drink beer instead of alcohol?

Why do people drink beer instead of alcohol?

Some historians have suggested that people in the Middle Ages drank beer instead of water because, however, water was not ...

How many beers a day is healthy?

How many beers a day is healthy?

Moderate alcohol consumption for healthy adults generally means up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a...

Is beer actually alcohol?

Is beer actually alcohol?

While non-alcoholic beer may seem like a promising option for those who avoid or limit alcohol consumption, there are...

Is 2 beers a day good for you?

Is 2 beers a day good for you?

Drinking one or two standard beers a day can have positive effects, such as heart benefits, better blood sugar control,...

Which beer is best to drink?

Which beer is best to drink?

Even older than Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale was first released in 1981 and has been the standard bearer of American ...